Overall CRM BPO market size is currently US$ 86Bn+.
These stats clearly show that organizations all over the globe have started realizing the value and power of BPO partners. Business process outsourcing services allow companies to reduce overheads, increase the quality of work, and fuel company growth. But
- When is the right time to outsource?
- What are the indications you, as a business/process owner, should look out for?
- What can a BPO services partner do for your bottom line?
Let’s find out.
The When
When the Organization is Fairly Small but Entering the Growth Stage
When your business is still in its initial stages, it may not have the bandwidth or resources to focus on everything. Moreover, you’ll be more inclined towards focusing on building a scalable product or solution rather than handling the backend. This is when you need a business process outsourcing partner.
More importantly, you should not just look out for any BPO partner; you must scout for one who is self-sufficient, has worked with the least available structured processes, and has the capability to understand the dynamics of your business.
When the Organization is on the Growth Path and Focusing on Building its Core Products and Efficiency
When your business starts to grow 30%+ quarter-on-quarter and you are adding people to the workforce at a rapid pace, it’s time to focus on the process and governance aspects, rather than having your resources tied up in tedious and mundane tasks
So leave your back office or customer centric L1/L2 level tasks to a business process outsourcing partner and focus on your core, while improving the bottom line. However, governance and excellence are the key aspects, and must be developed jointly. An ideal business team should have partner support that can complement and drive success with the business process outsourcing service provider, by helping them understand the intricacies of core business. So you need to communicate your requirements, goals and objectives, and drive jointly with the service provider in order to get the desired results.
The What (Signs)
Your business is showing signs that you need to have operational scalability, and thus horizontal or vertical or both expertise is required. However, to do that, you need to understand what to look for. So here are some signs when the business needs to look for a BPO partner
- When your business is in the initial stages and the costs need to be trimmed.
- When you are looking at the scalability aspects but productivity is taking a toll.
- When you need to be focused on expanding your business but Customer Experience needs to be kept in check as well.
- When you are expanding your business and need to free up resources to focus on core business operations.
If your business is showing any of the above mentioned signs, you need to hire a BPO partner TODAY!
But, Will a BPO Partner Make for Profitable Collaboration?
Every business works differently. Also, every business exists to increase its revenue. And by partnering up with a BPO services provider, you are entrusting a third party to carry out your essential business operations. So naturally, you need to be 100% sure whether it’ll be a good fit for your organization or not. You can do this by taking a look at their past case studies, customer reviews, check out the solutions they are offering, and whether those solutions are in line with your long-term organizational goals
Collaborating with a business process outsourcing partner may seem like overhead at first. However, once their team starts picking up pace and integrates the systems, your resources will be free to focus on the front-end of the business rather than being stuck dealing with mundane tasks. This will give your organization the room to reach its full potential. So yes, a BPO partner will be a profitable collaboration as it will not only streamline your operations but also work on building technology-led solutions around areas you never thought were a priority for your product or tech teams
FiveS Digital - Taking Over Your BPO Needs
FiveS Digital is a one-stop solution to providing the best-in-class customer experience. Ranging from data entry, finance & accounting, data processing to document management and back-office operations, experts at FiveS Digital can reinvigorate your daily BPO operations to enhance productivity and streamline operations.
We, at FiveS, curate customized technology-driven solutions based on YOUR business requirements. By creating a perfect blend between AI and human intelligence, we ensure utmost efficiency in your business processes, so you have one less thing to worry about.
So, if you are striving to streamline your business processes with a partner who has prowess in BPO services and solutions, get in touch with us TODAY!